Acoustic Timber Floating Floors
To soundproof floating floors, a soundproof layer is bonded to the underside of the floor, creating an impenetrable sound barrier.
When discussing soundproofed floating floors, we mostly refer to timber floating floors because concrete floating floors are naturally soundproofed and installed at ground level.
Floating floors are modular and highly configurable, built on top of sound subfloors with no requirement for structural building work. Installation is quick, and floating floors cost far less than dedicated acoustic flooring in most cases.

Is a floating floor right for you?
Floating floors replace an existing floor with installation over the existing system, saving you the time and effort of making a new subfloor.
Because the new floor is floating, it is isolated from the old subfloor, so vibration and noise cannot transmit to the building structure. This will significantly improve the room’s acoustics and reduce the impact of footfall on others.

Acoustic isolation with floating floors
If you want to isolate acoustics to one room, a floating floor is ideal for dealing with foot traffic, moving furniture, trolleys and other floor contacts.
Most floating floors in hotels, apartment blocks and studios have acoustic insulation to improve user experience. A secondary benefit to acoustic insulation is it improves thermal efficiency, reducing heat loss between the floor and subfloor.
We can install a timber or concrete floating floor with minimal disruption.

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